1. Product Editing

fmProductEdit, frmProductEdit - Edit Product Form. 

Edit Product Form

To edit CubeCart product you can double click on it or use edit product button. It calls edit product form for selected product:

1. Main Page contains general information of the product. If you are creating a new Product, pay attention on fields marked with *. Those fields are required and others may be left blank or with default values.


to browse contents of your local folders and select an image. When you press OK button on edit form it will be uploaded to "Images directory" on FTP. When local image selected, this field will display local image path like C:\My Images\some_image.jpg. But local image path will be replaced with image name some_image.jpg right after upload.

to select some image stored remotely. It's done by browsing contents of FTP folder specified as "Images directory".

to open Image Resize Rules window. You can add [+] or delete [-] rules if you need to resize the image.



Click Ok to upload file.

2. Additional Categories. One product may be assigned to multiple categories. To assign product to categories, simply enable the "Assign" check-box next to the category name. Also you can specify the Main category here.

3. Additional Images tab allows you to assign multiple detailed images to your product. You can add, delete image, apply or rollback changes. Specify an Image by clicking:

to browse contents of your local folders and select an image. When you press OK button on edit form it will be uploaded to "Images directory" on FTP. When local image selected, this field will display local image path like C:\My Images\some_image.jpg. But local image path will be replaced with image name some_image.jpg right after upload.

to select some image stored remotely. It's done by browsing contents of FTP folder specified as "Images directory" (Preferences -> FTP tab).

Click Ok to save this entry and to close Edit Product form or click cancel to discard this entry.